Thursday, July 9, 2015

Deputies, Driver Team Up To Remove Trash Heap

Toilets, sofas and a bedroom set were some of the large household items that sat for several weeks discarded along the side of Crawford Road in Golden Gate.

Today the heap of junk more suited for a landfill is gone, thanks to teamwork by two Collier County Sheriff’s Office deputies and a Collier County Road and Bridge Department employee.

Cpl. John Dant and Cpl. Eric Vanessendelft responded to a complaint of illegal dumping on Crawford Avenue on June 19. Residents were fed up with their street becoming a dumping ground. Because it’s a private road, residents, some of whom are elderly and on fixed incomes, would have to pay quite a bit of money to have the junk removed.

Cpl. Dant and Cpl. Vanessendelft attempted to remove the items on their own dressed in full duty gear and with the aid of an agency truck. But it proved too big of a job for the deputies due to the heat and lack of manpower and proper equipment to haul the items away.

Enter county Road and Bridge employee Robert Marsh.

On Wednesday, Cpl. Dant and Cpl. Vanessendelft approached Marsh, who was operating a bucket truck and asked him for assistance removing the items from Crawford Avenue. Marsh was more than willing to help.

Marsh drove his truck to Crawford Avenue and removed the large items – at least three truckloads worth.

Thank you Cpl. Dant, Cpl. Vanessendelft and Mr. Marsh for going above and beyond the call of duty and for making Crawford Avenue a happier place.