Friday, July 11, 2008

Deputies: Check Was A Fake

A Miami man was arrested Thursday after deputies say he tried to pass a fraudulent check at a Golden Gate store.

Terrance Boges, 29, 13725 6th Ave. N.E., was charged with uttering a counterfeit instrument and grand theft.

Here’s what happened, according to reports:

Boges entered La Mexicana, 4055 23rd Ave. S.W., shortly after 6 p.m. Thursday and presented an employee with a $459.49 payroll check from Park Shore Towers. The employee called the phone number listed on the check in order to verify its authenticity. After becoming suspicious that the person he called may not be a Park Shore Towers employee he went on the Internet and discovered that the phone number did not belong to Park Shore Towers. He then called deputies.

When deputies arrived they asked Boges to remain on the scene while they investigated the check’s authenticity. They contacted Park Shore Towers and learned that Boges was not an employee.