Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Ring In '09 Safely

New Year’s Eve parties are a longstanding tradition, but revelers need to remember that CCSO has a zero-tolerance policy toward drinking and driving.

Deputies will be out in force tonight watching for impaired drivers. They’ll be walking restaurant districts and driving Collier County roads, making sure everyone gets home safely.

Safety Traffic Enforcement Bureau Lt. Harold Minch said deputies will be putting an extra focus on areas where they’ve seen impaired drivers in the past. They’ll also be monitoring teen gathering places making sure no underage drinking is going on.

“We are very, very visible all night long on New Year’s Eve,” said Minch. “We see no more DUIs than we do any other night and that’s because we maintain a high profile. People know we’re out there.”

CCSO offers these tips for a safe celebration:

Use a designated driver or call a cab if you plan to attend a celebration and drink alcohol.
If you are hosting a party make sure to provide plenty of non-alcoholic drink options.
Remember that even if you don’t feel “drunk” the next morning, your driving may still be impaired, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.
Report any drunk or impaired drivers by calling 911.