Our first rest stop was after 15.5 miles at the Tappahannock-Essex Volunteer Fire Department. Riders arrived just after 9:30a.m., cold and a little wet, but still in good spirits. The hills started first thing in the morning today, so every rest stop is much appreciated.
The total number of miles ridden yesterday was just over 107 and the terrain was "Florida Flat." Today the riders will be on the bikes for a mere 66 miles, but the portion of Virginia we are in now is hilly. The worst section was just before lunch, as we rode by Fort A.P. Hill. With the cold, wet weather and the increasing hills many riders have decided to take a break and ride in the van. A lunch of peanut butter and jelly with hot chocolate was a welcome sight at the Bowling Green Fire Department. The firefighters were nice enough to help our support staff boil water to serve hot chocolate for 220. We had our first bike crash of the tour today on the wet slippery roads. No one was seriously injured and none of the riders from CCSO were involved.
Day 2 Weather Report: 57 degrees and raining
-Krista Williamson, CCSO-