Wednesday, July 25, 2012

CCSO Traffic Enforcement Spots

Monday, July 30:

Pine Ridge and Airport-Pulling roads - Speeding
Goodlette-Frank and Vanderbilt Beach roads – Red-light running
Logan Boulevard and Boxwood Way – Speeding

Tuesday, July 31:

Radio Road and Davis Boulevard – Aggressive driving
Collier Boulevard and Rattlesnake Hammock Road – Red-light running
Glades Boulevard and Airport-Pulling Road – Red-light running

Wednesday, Aug. 1:

U.S. 41 North and 99th Avenue North – Red-light running
Immokalee Road and Cypress Way East – Aggressive driving
Pine Ridge Road at I-75 northbound exit – Aggressive driving

Thursday, Aug. 2:

Green and Collier boulevards - Speeding
Santa Barbara Boulevard and Radio Road - Speeding
Hunter Boulevard and 54th Terrace S.W. – Aggressive driving

Friday, Aug. 3:

Airport-Pulling and Emerald Lakes Drive - Speeding
Goodlette-Frank Road and Panther Lane - Speeding
Pine Ridge Road and Museum Road – Aggressive driving