Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Protect Your Property - Lock Your Cars

Thieves continue to target unlocked vehicles, and the Collier County Sheriff’s Office is calling on the community to help stop the trend.

If motorists simply remove their valuables and lock their doors, the number of vehicle break-ins will go down, said Collier County Sheriff Kevin Rambosk.

Vehicle break-ins are crimes of opportunity. Many thieves pull on door handles until they find an unlocked vehicle. Thieves also tend to look through vehicle windows to see if there are any valuables inside. That’s why CCSO recommends that motorists either remove valuables from their vehicle or stow them away out of view.

Here are more ways you can keep your vehicle safe:

• Remove all valuables or keep them out of sight. This is particularly important with GPS systems, laptops and iPods. Make sure to remove all base mounts, cords and chargers from view as well.

• Remember to lock your doors even when your car is parked at home. That’s where most unlocked vehicle burglaries happen.

• If your vehicle is broken into, report it to law enforcement even if nothing significant was taken. The more information investigators have about these crimes, the more likely it is that they’ll be able to identify and stop the people committing them.