WHAT: Smash-and-grab burglary investigation
WHERE: Capital Pawn, 5565 Golden Gate Parkway, Golden Gate
WHEN: Tuesday, Sept. 9, 2008
TIME: 5:04 a.m.
SUMMARY: Deputies are asking the public for help in their investigation into a smash-and-grab burglary at the business.
Investigators say two people whose faces were covered gained entry to the business by smashing the front glass door with a crowbar.
The burglars made off with laptop computers.
Investigators have released these photographs taken from store surveillance video.
Anyone with information should call the Collier County Sheriff’s Office at 239-793-9300 or if you wish to remain anonymous call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-780-TIPS (8477).
Cualquier persona con informaciòn debe llamar a La Oficina del Aguacil del Condado de Collier al 239-793-9300 o si desea seguir siendo anònimo llame a Crime Stoppers al 1800-780-Tips (8477).