Thursday, November 13, 2014

New Community Gallery Exhibit To Feature Artistic Selfies By Collier Tykes

What happens when 34 preschoolers are asked to draw what they see when looking at their own reflection in a mirror using oil pastels, crayons and tissue paper brushed on watercolor paper? You have the unique and colorful compilation representing the 14th installment of the Collier County Sheriff’s Office Community Gallery, “Vivid #Selfies.”

The Collier County Sheriff’s Office has partnered with Collier Child Care Resources Incorporated to display the self-portraits of children ages 3 to 5 years old attending its NCEF Early Childhood Development Center.

CCSO will host a public reception for the 14th installment of the Community Gallery on Thursday, Nov. 13 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. The gallery is located at the administrative offices on the second floor of CCSO headquarters, 3319 U.S. 41 E., East Naples.

The “Vivid #Selfies” exhibit will feature images inspired by Swiss artist Paul Klee. The children were asked about the shape of their faces and used mirrors to study and draw using the oil pastels and crayons. After drawing their portraits, the blocked-color backgrounds were created by brushing on squares of tissue paper with water.

CCCR’s mission is to support the needs of Collier County’s children, families and early learning professionals by providing high quality education, resources and child care services. It is a private, non-profit child care agency that serves children, families and early learning professionals.

The exhibit will be on display to the public through Friday, Feb. 13, 2015.

The CCSO Community Gallery welcomes any local public service organizations interested in setting up a future exhibit.

For more information about the gallery or how an organization can participate, contact CCSO Media Relations Officer Kristi Lester at 239.252.0608, or