Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sheriff Rambosk’s Performance Earns Top Honors

Collier County Sheriff Kevin J. Rambosk’s accomplishments during his first year in office have earned him an A from the Greater Naples Better Government Committee.

Committee members graded Sheriff Rambosk by measuring the progress he has made in fulfilling his campaign promises. Sheriff Rambosk pledged to improve relations between the CCSO and the county’s citizens and businesses; develop a community-involved traffic enforcement effort; use technology to reduce costs and improve the agency’s effectiveness; and start a partnership with surrounding counties to focus on local crime concerns.

“I am gratified that the Greater Naples Better Government Committee recognizes my commitment to a safe community,” Sheriff Rambosk said. “I also want to say that these goals have been reached thanks to the hard work of the dedicated men and women of the Collier County Sheriff’s Office.”

The Greater Naples Better Government Committee is the oldest political action committee in Collier County. It has endorsed more than 100 candidates for public office and spoken out on many issues of importance to the community.

In making the announcement, Greater Naples Better Government Committee member Sally Tiffany said Sheriff Rambosk did more than fulfill his campaign promises.

“In addition, the Sheriff achieved a 5 percent drop in crime in Collier County over the past year,” she said.

Sheriff Rambosk was one of four politicians whose grades were announced Jan. 22 at The Inn on 5th.