Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Keep Flag Etiquette In Mind July 4th

As the Fourth of July holiday approaches the Collier County Sheriff’s Office Honor Guard urges everybody to be mindful of proper U.S. flag etiquette.

The CCSO Honor Guard offers the following information on proper flag protocol:

The military or hand salute is used at several important times:

* When the flag is being raised or lowered from a flagpole.

* When the flag is passing by such as during a parade or flag ceremony.

* When reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

* During the national anthem.

Other important considerations include:

* When in full uniform (with a hat or cover), members of the military and law enforcement should stand at attention, and use a right hand salute (fingers touching the brim of your hat, palm facing your head).

* When in uniform (but without a hat or cover), members of the military and law enforcement should stand at attention, and place their right hand over their heart.

* Those not wearing a uniform should stand at attention, and place their right hand over their heart.

* Men who are not in uniform, but are wearing a hat, should remove the hat with their right hand, and hold it in front of their left shoulder. The right hand, not the hat, should rest over their heart.

* Everyone should stand, turn and face the U.S. flag as they render the appropriate salute.