Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Immokalee Deputies Take Part In 5K

Several Immokalee-based CCSO members took part in a recent 5K run/walk hosted by the Immokalee Foundation and the Take Stock In Children Program. The event, which took place at the Collier County School District Administration Building, helps raise awareness and scholarship dollars for students working toward a post-secondary education. Cpl. Mike Taylor led the racers on a bicycle and Sgt. Steve Dodson and Cpl. Steve Blackwell assisted with the race on Segways. Cpl. Maria Raley, who mentors students with the Immokalee Foundation, ran the race. All are under the command of Lt. Drew Lee, CCSO’s Immokalee Substation commander. Photos by Sgt. Steve Dodson/CCSO