Collier County Sheriff’s Office has earned first place in the Florida Department of Transportation's 2007 Florida Law Enforcement Challenge.”
The agency won in the category made up of those with 251 or more certified deputies.
The Florida Law Enforcement Challenge is a competition between similar size and types of law enforcement agencies. It recognizes and rewards the best overall traffic safety programs in Florida. The areas of concentration include efforts to enforce laws and educate the public about occupant protection, impaired driving, speeding, and other areas of traffic safety. The winning agencies are those that combine officer training, public information and enforcement to reduce crashes and injuries within their respective jurisdictions.
In order to meet the challenge of improving roadway safety, CCSO relies on the creativity and innovation of its members to direct focused efforts and produce effective solutions for specific traffic related problems. As a result of these initiatives serious injury and fatal crashes have continued to decline for the past five years.
In addition, the CCSO Motorcycle Traffic Enforcement Unit placed third in the Florida Motor Unit Challenge, which acknowledges the work performed by these specialized officers. The CCSO Motorcycle Traffic Enforcement Unit plays a significant role in reducing the incidences of aggressive driving, impaired driving, speeding, red-light running, seat belt and child safety seat usage in Collier County.
CCSO was recognized earlier this year with a national first place award from the International Association of Chiefs of Police in the “2007 National Chiefs Challenge.”