Friday, March 27, 2009

Immokalee Community Offers Input

Immokalee area residents weighed in on safety issues Friday evening as Sheriff Kevin J. Rambosk wrapped up his series of six community meetings around the county.

Pedestrian safety was a priority for many in the audience. Residents said projects like sidewalks and streetlights, along with community education programs on laws involving the interaction of motor vehicles and pedestrians would make their community safer.

Those who attended the meeting also expressed a desire for more community policing deputies and youth programs, among other things.

Input gathered at the meetings will be evaluated for inclusion in the Collier County Sheriff’s Office’s strategic plan for the coming year. Sheriff Rambosk conducted the meetings as a way to partner with the community to maintain Collier County’s quality of life.

“I believe that when you have a ‘service to others before self’ philosophy and then work with the community, you end up with a safer place to live,” he said.